Our History

Several years ago, the Civilians attached to the 1st USSS Company C realized that they were being requested to perform a more central function at Civil War Reenactments.  At the time, we were being asked to perform our Suffrage Rally and our Funeral Impression quite often. 

From that demand, an idea was formed . . the Civilians needed to be known as something; to have an identity that was separate from and yet still associated with the 1st USSS Company C.  Several names were put forth and the unit voted into existence the Ladies of the Lily.

The Civilians prospered and flourished but a new question arose.  How do we view the Civilian Males that were joining us.  Although we'd done well under the Ladies of the Lily, the time came to evolve into something that was broader in scope and more welcoming to all genders of Civilians and thus the Berdan's Aide Society was born. 

So what roles do we play?  Check out Other Impressions to find out.