Monday 17 July 2017

Wauconda, IL 2017

Wauconda's Civil War Days at the Lake County Forest Preserve is always a great opportunity to educate the public and enjoy good friends. This year was no different. (All photos are courtesy of Antina Richards-Pennock.)

Antina, Kate, Amanda, Tommy and Danielle enjoyed each other's company, the shade, and teaching the public while we went about our daily home-life activities.

Saturday some of the ladies sat around the Vance homestead to work on their sewing and discuss some of the local news. Of particular interest to the public was the hand crank sewing machine (on the table to the right hand side of the picture to the right).

Antina and Danielle made an apple pie, from scratch, using the Dutch Oven for an after dinner dessert. Hardest part of the pie production was keeping the menfolk away from testing it early.

Tommy's natural curiosity and childhood games kept Kate busy. Tommy is such a sweet little boy and was so good considering the heat of he day. Eventually the activities wore him down and it was naptime.

Dinner time, we all gathered around the table and had a lovely meal sharing in each other's company and hearing the news of the day.

There is a serenity and peace the occurs as night falls across the encampment. This is an aspect that the public rarely gets to experience since camps close to them around 5 PM. Once the lanterns are lit, the camps are beautiful. On the evening breeze you can hear nearby folks gathered around campfires to share stories, songs and perhaps a dance to two. I always smile to think on the evenings...

Sunday Antina & Danielle attended church then did a little shopping at the Sutlers. Amanda, Antina and Danielle all joined the local sewing circle taking place in the local commons in a slight breeze and under the protective shade of nearby trees. Later in the afternoon sasparella floats were enjoyed as a way to beat the heat followed by a light repast for lunch.

Now for those who have wondered about the extent of furnishings seen here, it is important to note that the intent is to provide the view into a standard 2 room home of the time. Unfortunately, we are unable to bring solid walls and roof for a weekend living history so we've asked the public to imagine walls in lieu of canvas. We understand that this is hard to imagine but feel it is important for the public to get that touchstone of how life may have been similar and how life may have been different.

Its always sad to break camp after such a wonderful weekend. Until next year!!

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